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  • Writer's pictureBrittany Redding

The Celebration

The fire danced and crackled around the wooden teepee that served as kindling for the bonfire. A group of college-aged kids frolicked around the glowing mound. Seth stood next to the bonfire, a lone observer. His eyes scanned the crowd of intoxicated students. A group to his left waved a Trump 2032 flag as they chanted, " Make America great again, again, again, and again." President Trump had just been announced the winner of the 2032 election. This group was the newly created Right-Wing Future Politicians of MAGA. After his second term in office, the Senate and House had unanimously voted to end term limits for the POTUS.

Democrats and Libertarians had rioted in the streets. Many were imprisoned, and many more were killed. For months the pavement was bathed with the blood of rioters in major cities such as New York, Seattle, and Atlanta. Eventually, things calmed down, and the left-leaning members of society went into hiding. President Trump enacted a decree that said that anyone who spoke out against him would be killed. Those brave enough to do so lost their lives. Their names were engraved on the walls of the underground bunker from which Seth had emerged just an hour before this gathering. Seth’s mother had fled with him in tow in 2021 when the men in black came for his father in the night. She joined her sister and brother-in-law underground with the other members of society that opposed the views of those in office. Seth watched the fire burn, its orange and yellow flames performing a ballet just for him. A ballet of justice. He took his backpack from his shoulders and put it on the ground. Seth slowly unzipped the black zipper, and the navy blue nylon parted, revealing a dark space that reached the bottom of the backpack. He paused before continuing his mission, scanning the crowd again, looking for a sign that he was doing the right thing. A girl with long, blonde hair stood near a keg of Natty Light. She was visibly intoxicated and could barely keep her balance. A guy with a polo shirt, popped collar, distressed jeans, and flip flops stalked her from the darkness. Just as her eyes closed completely, he swooped in and carried her behind a dumpster with a look on his face that would turn anyone's blood cold. Seth fought the urge to do something. He and his underground community had tried to do something in the past, but it had never done any good. Thanks to the current powers, the consequence for rape was now a $200 fine and a mandatory hand-written letter of apology to the victim. Seth sighed as he watched the guy drag her limp body behind a nearby dumpster. The large metal container masked the revolting actions that were sure to occur. Seth slumped his shoulders in defeat. He steadied himself, reached into his backpack, and pulled out a small detonator. All around this bonfire, he and his cohorts had planted explosives. All it took was the press of that button, and this large group of future politicians and policymakers would be obliterated. Seth had started his mission searching for redeeming qualities like modern-day angels sent to Sodom and Gomorrah, except God wasn't involved in this instance.

God had left America to its own devices long ago. Seth was not searching for God. He was searching for humanity, and so far, he had come up short. A few dead men and women hung from nearby trees with signs that read “Snowflake” and “Traitor” pinned to their bodies. Seth unzipped his hoodie to reveal a shirt that read "Make Humans Human Again." The group next to him stared and started to murmur. The murmurs spread until all eyes were on him. Wide eyes filled with fire and rage. A group of guys started towards him, but Seth understood his purpose. His mind was beginning to falter as his brain grasped for oxygen. He stared at the violent flicks of the flames as he pushed the button on the detonator. The explosions started from all around the crowd, trapping them near the bonfire. The flames licked at Seth’s ankles as he heard the crowd's screams as they were scorched and burned. Seth started to drift into unconsciousness as the flames enveloped him. His brain shut out the pain and instead sent him to a memory of his father, long lost. He could see his father holding him in his nursery at home, his eyes so blue and vibrant. His Dad looked him in the eyes and told him he would make the best possible life for him. He had tried and had lost his life for it. Now Seth and countless other members of the underground had sacrificed themselves for the good of everyone. The good of everything. He felt some level of remorse but knew this was the only way. Good will rise from the ashes of bad. He felt solidarity with his mother, friends, and community family members who were experiencing the same calm anguish. Maybe after the flames cleared, there would be a different and better world waiting for the children of the underground

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